16 September 2010

Good news for MU and Hickman students who walk!

This news about planned pedestrian improvements on Columbia's College Avenue near MU - along with the news earlier this week that the Columbia City Council may soon approve new pedestrian improvements near Hickman High School - is very good news for local scholars just trying to get across the street.

Columbia's College Avenue does, however, need a serious Road Diet. Traffic moves way to fast because it can. There is no accommodation for bicycles and limited crossings because cars dominate this road as it bisects a dense neighborhood and the University. On a diet College Avenue between Broadway and Ashland Road might be reduced to two car travel lanes, one in each direction, with a bicycle lane on each side.

With such high levels of foot and bike traffic along this street medians are a great start. All praise goes to City of Columbia Planner Mitch Skov for preparing and submitting this application for project funding to the Federal Highway Administration. Thank you Mitch!


  1. Hi. My name is Nate Bloss, and im a pcv in Namibia. Im about to finish my two years; myself and 3 friends are planning on doing some traveling. We were wondering if you could help us answer a few questions about Zambia. Right now we plan to go up through the caprivi strip and spend a few days in livingstone around december 14th. After this we need to make our way to lake malawi by december 23rd. I have 4 questions:

    What can we do in Zambia, particularily in the south?

    Are there any nice cheap places to stay on the route from livingstone to malawi?

    We may end up just sticking around livingstone for a while and going to malawi at the last minute. How long will it take to get from livingstone to the malawi border if we want to do it as fast as possible?

    Can we free hike in Zambia?


  2. Forgot to give you my email. natebloss@gmail.com
